Strength is not soley derived from our inner selves, but also from the individuals who make up our community.

The sense of unity and support that can be found within our community is an invaluable source of resilience and fortitude. When faced with challenges or adversity, it is often the unwavering support of our community members that empowers us to persevere and overcome. The collective strength of our community lies in the shared values, compassion, and collaboration that bind us together. We inspire and uplift one another, recognizing that by standing united, we are capable of achieving great things. Through our interconnectedness and mutual support, we cultivate a climate of encouragement and empowerment, fueling the growth and development of each individual. Together, we embody the true essence of strength, harnessing the power of our community to overcome obstacles and thrive.

Our activities

We organize various activities throughout the calendar year.

Creating a Diverse Archive of Our Community

As the members of our community age, we start to witness the gradual disappearance of the elements that contributed to our vibrant and diverse community.

Organizing various events, from quarterly social gatherings, business networking, pride and quarterly community dinners.


Together, we can do this.

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